Monday, December 1, 2014

Unused Models Revisited

Remember those unused 3D models found in the first Star Force game that had nothing to do with the game? The Battle Network ones? It's one of my top posts.

Well anyways, thanks to a regular visitor of this blog named "Black Ace", I've taken the models and resources and tried opening them in the now abandoned Mario Kart DS Course Modifier. It's amazing what people can do when they want to modify their favorite game. Such tremendous progress!

So with that, it brings nearly flawless support for viewing NSBMD models, exporting them, and even viewing its animations! Take a peek below for the full scoop.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Wow BN4 Translation Are Awful

Can you believe this game came out over 10 years ago? Let's look over again at how vague, bad, or outright wrong a lot of the BN4 chip descriptions were.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Look! Xover!

Here are some of the things that are new in this update, I think.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Even more X-Over

If you check the download link on the right, the latest ROckman X-Over server rips have been added. It's 480MB now. Here are some things that are probably new.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unused JudgeMan Attack Finally Fixed

Some people may recall a mysterious unused attack discovered a few years ago in MegaMan Battle Network 6 where JudgeMan speaks during battle and summons mysterious objects. Well recently, GM and I looked into that again and made some fantastic new finds!

Monday, March 17, 2014

More X-Over

There's a bunch of new X-Over stuff for you to get. Check out the link below.

Some previews.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Getting GBA/NDS Music Multitracks

So some months back, I found out about GBA Mus Riper and how it was possible to rip high-quality GBA music with its easy-to-use tools. Later on, though, I realized midis could store each channel's parts separately and that it should be possible to just listen to certain channels in the midi. My search for this led to mostly installing bloated trialware/crippleware that just wasn't what I was looking for.
The NDS side wasn't looking too bright either since the mini2sf format wasn't as workable. I even found a YouTube video that claimed foobar could output multitrack files, but I never found out how (because that would still be faster).

And now, even after being more-or-less familiar with Reaper, there still wasn't a fast enough way to rip each midi channel efficiently. And of course with no installs. My search led me to midicut, a program so old, even modern Windows won't run it. Combined with the light msdos.exe tool which allows midicut to run, I knew it was now possible to rip GBA/NDS multitracks by the batch load.

Keep reading to find out how!